Thursday, December 01, 2005

Exam 1 Completed

Well, I just finished my French Cinema Theory wasn't to bad but Lord help me if she grades on conjugation and proper structure! So I'm going to have a fantastic rest of the day....cause I said so....and go to my 11am class, go to work, eat lunch then work a 3-11pm shift because my desk clerk has a funeral to go to...So this will all be in the past very soon and I'll never have to worry about another employee calling in with excuses again!!!!!

I'm actually feeling a little wistful in that just a few more days I will never be returning to MSSU campus again.....kind of strange. Not that I'll have time to worry about it with all the running around I'm going to be doing but still...its been two years here and there are a lot of good memories tied up in this place, so its kind of sad to say goodbye. So I'm done moping and its on to the fun stuff in life. Like family, friends, food, fun, and significant friends ;)


Sarah Loyd said...

Sooooo um... you do realize that we're coming up in TWO WEEKS, right??? The end is near, my dear, and while it's always hard to leave one place, it's so exciting to see what lies ahead. Way to go on getting your first exam out of the way!!

Jeff said...

Awesome I am glad you got that exam out of the way. Less stuff to worry on. The next two weeks will fly by, and you will be started on the next adventure in your life. Hope you have a really good day.