Monday, December 18, 2006

Sunday Fun

Security was everywhere. After passing through a heavily guarded door, removing my jacket, watch, necklace and shoes and passing through a super sensitive metal detector I managed to redress myself for the second time that morning and begin the fascinating exhibit which is that of the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia PA.

The unique design of the building gives the illusion of flowing water and it carries visitors along the path of the creation, use, intent and history of this Bell which serves as an icon of Liberty and Freedom for all. After reading about the repairs to the crack in the bell which then became a "gap" due to the repairs not being properly performed; I stopped and watched a short video about the impact the Liberty Bell played in Women's History and Susan B. Anthony's use of the Bell for the speech given in 1915. Exhibit after exhibit detailed the history of the Bell and the history of our country. Both the good and bad were brought to light and served to illustrate how a nation even though it is being torn asunder by such tragedies as the Vietnam War can still rally around a monument and unite in the cause for Freedom.

Following the Liberty Bell I toured the entire Historical District and saw such famous sites as Betsy Ross' House, the Carpenters Building and the statue of the "Signer". After such an enjoyable morning/afternoon of sightseeing I stopped off at a tiny little pub called "The Happy Rooster" for a little libation and a quick check of the football scores. An Anchor Steamer later (brewed in San Francisco since the 1800's) and I was well versed in the Notre Dame vs Washington game but had no idea as to any of the other scores. A few hours more of window shopping and a very enjoyable visit to Barnes and Nobel bookstore and I was ready to call it a day just as the sun was setting in the evening sky.

After resting my weary feet awhile I ventured out for a sushi dinner which while good wasn't on par with Goro's, Ichiban or Mr. Sushi. Isn't it sad how we develop favorite spots by which all other things are judged!

Today has been quiet and unfortunately while today is dull, tomorrow is going to be brutal. The day starts at 9:30am and will not be ending until 4am the next day. Wednesday then will resume at 9am and run until in all likelihood this will be one cranky, exhausted and bleary eyed individual by the time Thursday rolls around.

So Ca la vie until later mes amies.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Sounds like a good day of sight seeing and pub exploring. Hope you have a good couple of days.