Friday, January 05, 2007

The New Year

The Christmas holidays are past....presents have been opened.....visits with family members completed and it is once again time for the creation of a few New Years Resolutions. Actually this year the resolution I have are pretty basic. Some might even say they are normal and boring but sometimes it is good to put in writing those items that prove troublesome over and over again. So here goes. I resolve to be relation to work, fun, love and life in general. Don't sweat the small stuff and remember that tomorrow is another day. If I repeat that statement at least once a day by November it will start to sink in.

As far as news.....the move to Sherman is complete. I haven't unpacked ANY boxes yet but there will be time for that on Saturday. This entire week has been jam packed with Office Meetings and "organized fun" as part of those office meetings. Thus I've been returning to Sherman between 10pm and midnight each night this week and hitting the road again in the morning by 6:15-6:35am to get into Dallas before the traffic goes crazy. Ryan and Sarah's new home is just perfect for is a wonderful house with lots of character and a great backyard for the dogs to run and for Ryan and Sarah to sit out next to the Chiminea and look at the stars (which you can really see!). I haven't had much time to spend with Sarah this week as when I finally arrive home I'm so exhausted that I literally fall into bed immediately and just am out of it until the alarm goes off again in the morning. But Sarah has been regaling me with some of her adventures each day as she goes about dealing with the multitude of details that exist to make new homeowners crazy---the water company, the electric company, the phone company, Home Depot, Target....etc, etc. I have no idea how she handles the frustration of talking to 15 different people while trying to get one answer but there you have it.....the woman is cool and talented without a doubt. But additional good news is that Ryan made it safely home to Sarah on Thursday afternoon so I know that she is much happier to have him there with her.

This evening Ryan and Sarah are going to happy hour at a great little spot called Cellerman's which will be a viable option for their new "beer home". If I made it back to Sherman at a reasonable hour I think I might joining them for a little Friday night libation.

So that is it for now.....only one more hour until I'm free for the next two days!!!!!!



Unknown said...

So, Janette, are you living with Sarah and Ryan in their new house? It sounds like it since you're commuting back and forth to Sherman, but I'm not sure of it.

Jeff said...


Have a new job, at a new hospital working as an admissions counselor. Pretty much diagnosing and triage work. Read my latest post for my overnight ramblings.