Sunday, April 02, 2006

Back in Dallas and then gone again

So Life have been happening at a fast and furious pace. I flew back into Dallas on Wednesday Night...after many hours sitting in airport terminals I was FINALLY able to checkinto the motel only to realize that my body was still wired for CA time. So Thursday and Friday were office days and what busy days they were! I was preping for a 46 audit trip and it was time consuming. I oftentimes wonder how anything is accomplished in corp. America because there seems to be an awful lot of chit-chatting going on at the water coolers nowdays. But I stayed chained to the grindstone and logged some late nights. Finally on Friday night at 7pm I called it quits for the day and met up with a couple of people from work for a late dinner and then headed of to a very interesting place called "Billy Bob's" in Fort Worth for a little taste of Texas Country music/going away send-off for one of the Auditors who was returning to Paris on Saturday. All in all it was a good time. Although I have to admit we stuck out like sore thumbs at Billy Bob's. Marie, Morganne, Jacque and Pierre are VERY, VERY French and the comment was made that they never would have believed it (the country western bar/club/music hall) if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes. But some great pictures were taken, laughs had by all and then some heartfult goodbyes upon our return to Addison.

Saturday was a busy, busy morning. I was very proud of myself and made it into the office by 8am....worked till 12:45pm then took off for a couple of hours of R&R with Dali at the Dallas Arboretum & Botanical Gardens for the Spring flowers. They were absolutely breathtaking and so peaceful. The landscaping and design work that has gone into those gardens has turned spring flowers into works of art. There is a magnificent sculture in one of the gardens of a man and a women captured in a faire le bise---that breathless moment when all is right with the world and nothing exists except for the two people holding each other. It is a beautiful piece and the backdrop of the flowers, the green grass and the flowering dogwood trees accentuates the emotions evoked by the sculpture. (yeah I know everyone is going to say---once a romantic, always a romantic. But if you lose the ability to believe in passion and romance then life becomes so blah and pointless.....thus no matter what happens in my own life, I will always believe in the possibility of love).

Nonetheless it was a fantastic afternoon, filled with beautiful colors, balmy weather and good times with Dali. Unfortunately after we finished with the gardens I headed back to work for another 4 hours then rushed back to the motel to pack and finish prepping everything for an early morning flight on Sunday.

Whew.....All I can say now that I'm in Toledo is I'm glad that these large trips don't happen to often, either that or I need to plan an extra day in the office!

So I'm in northern Ohio---Toledo to be exact and once again I've changed time zones....But while I'm out here I'm planning on lots of exploring in Cleveland, Columbus, Toledo and of course W. Virginia. So if anyone has any hot spots to see----drop me a line :)

More later!!

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