Saturday, March 18, 2006

Naked Chardonnay

Catchy isn't it.....Naked Chardonnay is a product of Four Vines vineyard which I found entirely by accident/partial recommnedation last weekend when I was wine tasting in Paso Robles, CA. Thus far CA has been a fantastic state to visit. The absolute variety of scenery, the fantastic food on the coast and the (of course) delectable wines make this an area simply delightful to visit/work within. Last weekend was a marathon of driving, wine tasting and enjoying the excellent cuisine presented by Hoppes restraunt in Cayuga, CA. The days began early and ended late--always pleasantly buzzed to be certain. Each day was looked forward with anticipation of the new sites, and scenes to take in. If anyone is ever in CA there must travel Hwy 1 along to coast at least from Paso Robles up to Monterey, CA. Its breathtaking with teh coastline on one side and the cliffs on the other side. I have so many fantastic pictures that I'm having trouble determining which ones I want to keep in the slide show on my computer!

On a more somber note....B. and I went through a rough patch following his visit to TX. Mother nature, nerves and who knows what else all conspired against us to make for a nice but not necessarily remarkable weekend. I was very nervous not only about seeing him again but because of other variables which I wanted but was unable to capitalize upon due to circumstances outside my control. Then by Wednesday I thought we were back on an even keel. Apparently I was wrong. The last two days have gone by without a word from the guy and I'm partially ticked of at myself for caring and significantly ticked off that he hasn't had the common courtesy to call.....its the least that could be done given the situation.

So I guess in part it has me guessing again. Why is is so difficult to meet people---I know that my job has a significant part in this equation, but aside from that, its not as easy as it once was to determine if you want to approach this other person for whatever reason....I'm not a fan of capitalizing on job is to eliminate or at least minimize risk in all its forms. Who know what will happen, but I'm NOT calling him....although I really want to if for no other reason than to demand acceptable answers.

But until that point in time, I'm going to figure out someway to enjoy life and the great states which I visit without being too hung up on some guy who won't even say we are dating. Life has more to offer than this.

More details to follow!

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