Friday, July 28, 2006


SWo this is a day or two late but I wanted to jot a quick blog about MY DAY---thats right the eventful day when my mother---bless her heart endured 13 hours of labor for the express purpose of introducing me to the world.

So I was up late the night before the 26th getting laundry done and just wrapping up some loose ends from the PA trip and at 12:30 PA time I recieved a phone call from a couple of super special friends who wanted to be the first to with me happy birthday on my birhtday. It was fantastic. We spend a good hour talking and just catching up and it made me realize just how long it had been since we actually talk, talked. It was a great way to start my day off. The next morning I did the flight from Pittsburgh to Charllotte (two hour lay over) then on to Dallas and all in all it was a great day. A strange gentleman at the airport who was in line behing me complimented me on my hair, my overweight bags (yes I know I need to become more streamlined!) were checked right through, and I had great window seats on both flights. Things just clicked.

Upon arrival in Dallas I promptly began sweating like no tomorrow. Major shock to the system to go from 83 and cool to 96 and very, very humid. I did the usual hassle with Super Shuttle--def a hate, hate relationship, and two hours after landing made it back to the hotel.

A friend called me while I was enroute and said that she had two tickets to the Rangers/Yankees game that evening and that we should go. And I had the brilliant thought that a baseball game is indeed the perfect American way to spend your birthday. So we did. We went to Ameriquest Field and had decent seats directly behind second base where we could watch the Rangers pitcher warming up and we had a beer, a hot dog and Tricia had nachos and a soda--she really wanted a margarita but none were to be found around our section. It was a beautiful summers evening, and was so much fun. I hadn't thought about it before but baseball tickets are really cheap (our seats were $7) and what a great way to enjoy yourself no matter what city you are in.

So the evening wrapped up around 11:30pm. The Rnagers lost by one point---nailbiting to the end. And thus my brithday drew to a close.

Another year gone, but not forgotten. A year filled with changes, laughter, some tears, and some of the best friends a person could hope for. I spoke with everyone who I hold near to my heart on my birthday and that in and of itself is so special. Birthdays for me have never been about gifts or things like that. although I will easily admit that I LOVE giving gifts, but I want to talk to my family and friends and be with them more than anything else on special days and special occassions. Cost is irrelevent, intent is what matters.

So, to everyone who made my day a day to remember. Thanks so much and I love you all.

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