Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Off early and driving

Sooo the great state of Ohio has seen the last of me for at least a couple of months. I am now officially back in PA and in a little town called Wahsington, PA. Its cute. The audit today went well. The manager is 73 years old and still running an eighty room motel. Not bad for someone who could have retired ten years ago. She is still going strong and has a firm handle on operations. Pretty cool lady.

So I fought traffic, road construction and enjoyed the scenery as I travelled through the mini-mountains back into PA. A very enjoyable afternoon. Dinner was a quaint little Italian rest called Angelo's. Good food, stingy wine portions. The dessert tray looked so tempting but I was completely stuffed from dinner, so I think tomorrow I will just do an appetizer and dessert (the best of both worlds)!

Other than that not to much for interesting news. I watched Sex and the City this evening, the one where Carrie red into some of Bergers friends after he had broken up with her on a post-it note. I still think the conversation about the "proper" way to break up with someone is something every guy should see. The conversation might be difficult but honesty in ending something that isn't working cannot be overrated.

I'm studying up on the Picture Rock Park region of upper Michigan. Vacation time is coming up and I need to get ready for some serious hiking. To average 10 miles a day I need to prepare, prepare, prepare. 10 miles hiking is nothing like 10 miles walking/running. The terrain, the weather and the very fact we will be carrying all our food and water thereby adding an extra 30lbs to my back will make the first day or two more of an endurance test than a vacation. But by the third day, it will be enjoyable and I can really soak up the atmosphere. At least that is the hope.

So its back to the reports.....grrr.

1 comment:

Sarah Loyd said...

I totally agree about "The Post-It Always Sticks Twice" being mandatory viewing for all dudes of dating age... excellent idea. We'll add it to the "we were on a break!" episode of Friends and "When Harry Met Sally" (especially the diner scene).