Thursday, March 08, 2007


So, a new day is here and so is my recovery from the sideswipe of yesterday. A friend told me this morning that the reason people are blindsided by someone tearing their work apart is God's funny way of teaching us humility. Of course in my own blunt fashion I replied back that I am already blessed with plenty of humility---and that all I want is just to feel like I'm on par with the rest of society who is blissfully going about their business. God has an odd sense of humor.

So my thought for the day is that I'm going to overwhelm a certain person with kindness, happiness and no matter what they say or do I will rise above them. I am going to learn and absorb all I can from them so when circumstances change guess who is ready to step into their shoes...or a comparable pair of shoes somewhere else.

I guess I not going to hold my breath for anything to happen in my personal life and just focus on what I know I can attain. Complete my MBA within 4 years, transition further upward with ACCOR within 6 years, a home within 8 years, and within 12 years complete either law school or a MLA. Perhaps I'm not one of those people who can have it all (family, home, relationship and career) but I'll make my own version of having it all -- in my case it will be great friends, career, home and travel. I heard somewhere that you make your own happiness.....well guess what - my time is coming. Do what you are doing and do it well. That will be my motto for the foreseeable future.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

I know that you will weather the challenges well. Plus it always makes people wonder what you are planning when you kill them with kindness, maybe the paranoia will get to them and the will change. :) If you want some company to chat about things I am seriously in the mood for cheese fries and sushi.