Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Key Lime Pie

So I'm rather bored at work although I have papers stacked up to my eyeballs and I must admit that I have visions of the most wonderful Key Lime Pie floating through my head. Mmmmmmmmm. But I must resist as I just finished lunch with the RC and have much to do before I call it a day.

The weather in Miami is still wonderful and although it is a little cloudy today it is in the 80's and soooo nice. I cannot stay focused this trip.....I don't know if it is spring fever or something else but I would love to be outdoors right now doing something non-work related. So sad to have such a short attention span.

What to do, what to to be productive when you want to go swimming and soak up some sun (if it wasn't cloudy that is).

Hmmmm. I could use a drink. Something fruity with pinapple juice and rum.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

My professional opinion on this matter is that you need to take the afternoon off soak up some sun, eat pie, and drink fruity rum drinks. Granted that is only my professional opinion and can be ignored at the peril of your personal sanity :). Hope since I am typing this on Saturday that by the time you read it you will have had some chance at relaxing. Take care.