Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Its just a job

Note to self....to be remembered at points of work inspired stress.

It is just a job. I am more than my job. While providing a paycheck (pitiful as it may be), the job is not the essence of life. There are other jobs out there--if you want them. Laugh in the face of the chaos as three weeks from now the stress of the moment will not be remembered with any of the current anxiety. If this job is so horrible, stressful, non-rewarding then get one of those other jobs out there. If I choose to stay with this current job then shut up about how bad it is and just do the work....no one wants to hear you b**ch about how awful it is. Everyone's job is awful in some area as there are no perfect jobs out there; just jobs with varying levels of awfulness.

So slap a smile on your face, imagine the stress causing individual with ketchup on their face and do the best that you can do at this moment in time. You are working towards the greater goal....a job that provides satisfaction on multiple levels, not just the monetary level.

Now repeat after me....MBA, MLS, MBA, MLS, MBA, MLS. Now get back and finish that project!

1 comment:

Jeff said...

I really like the new springy format. I hope everything is going well for you in your job, sounds like you had a tough time. BTW I am having a great time in my position things seem to be getting better and better.