Sunday, May 27, 2007

Visits to MN

The family in MN and WI all say hello to my friends in other states. Yes it is true, I actually spent a couple of days with my family in MN and WI. While cell phone service was a little spotty the most difficult part of the last few days has been a lack of email communication. Talk about feeling cut off! Yikes!!

But aside from the absence of emails the visit went really well. My nieces and nephews are growing like crazy and were a lot of fun to hang out with including an attempt at camping in the living room which by 3am ended with everyone back in their respective beds. I actually remember yard camping trips when I was growing up that ended the same way....those were the days.

The Paris Team with whom I am working this week appear to be nice, conversant and friendly. So here is to keeping my fingers crossed that the relationships we (the ANA audit department) have with the hotels will continue be be positive and that all our hard work will not be endangered by a lack of communication, language issues or program variances between the International program and the ANA program.

Hope that everyone has a wonderful Memorial Day Holiday and that you do something patriotic in remembrance of the reason for the Holiday.

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