Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Not that I don't have a million and one things to do but right now, at this moment I am so bored to death with financials that I could just scream. Actually, I would really like a piece of key lime pie but that is another whole story.

So here is a question for the masses. My drive to work is usually an 60 minutes to 80 minutes each morning. And just for kicks I timed out the miles this morning as I was driving to work in a daze due to no coffee. I realized that the first 14 miles go by very quickly (around 75mph) then the next 5 miles are brought to a slower pace due to traffic (around 40-45 mph). Following that slowdown the pace picks up again for 4 miles (around 60 mph) but right at that moment (at exit 33 on hwy 75) things grind to a screeching halt for the next 5 exits or until I turn onto George Bush Turnpike. So as I was thinking as I was driving -- and as I was juggling the shifting from first to second to third, down to first, back to second, back to first gear, that we have to be the most foolish people on the planet. I spend an average of 30-45 minutes everyday attempting to go 5 miles (that stretch from exit 33 to exit 28). We drive like crazy people just so we can watch the brake lights ahead of us for ages, all the while hoping that traffic isn't also backed up on the turnpike. Literally amazing. Texas needs a "good" mass transit system. I looked the other day at the DART. but the stops are limited and the pick up locations are right at that nasty slow spot of exits 33-28, so I would have to drive, through that mess anyhow just to take the DART.

So there really isn't a solution to this situation but I thought it was kind of interesting. One thing is guaranteed. I am thrilled that I don't have to drive into downtown Dallas everyday. That drive is brutal both on the way into work and on the way out.

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