Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Time flies when you are working very hard!! So much to do and so little time. This week is filled with preparations for the big conference meeting at the end of the month. In addition, I am learning a new aspect of the auditing process. Renovation audits. They are rather interesting (cost accounting and all that jazz).

I had a wonderful talk on Sunday eve (although it was a struggle to keep my eyes open from being up way to many hours) with Mary, John, Ryan and Sarah about my future career path plans. They were so supportive and didn't think it was an odd career path for me to embark upon, which I had been a little worried about. Sometimes it is amazing what information (names, contacts etc) others have just at their fingertips. Thus rather than becoming frustrated and disheartened by the process I now have some people to talk with about the "realities" of the path I am going to take and some excellent information with which to move forward. So now it becomes a process of studying for the GRE and choosing the school where I want to go. I'm thinking UNT, TWU and a couple of other options. It will be a balancing act of the finances and the quality of the Master's Program. So thank you to all who helped with the "thought process" last Sunday! I really, really appreciated it! :)

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