Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Miscellaneous stuff

Second to last day in Montreal. I'm coming home ssssssooooooonnnnnn!

Looking out the window it is sunny and beautiful here, high temp for the day is supposed to be 86 degrees Fahrenheit. I'm thinking lunch on the patio!

Today is filled with all kinds of productive things such as surfing the web for sangria recipes, dessert recipes and trying to find a copy of the web session for Tegan and Sara which aired last night but unfortunately missed due to a late dinner with my boss and a second workout session. Haven't been sleeping well and thought if I worked out to the point of exhaustion then I would sleep well - didn't work.....think I'll try alcohol tonight. Its all in the interest of science.

So that's all the news that is new. Did anyone catch Rob Schneider dressed as Lindsay Lohan last night - it was either Letterman or Leno ( I think Leno). Funny!!!!

While working out I say the interview with her dad and how he was going on and on about how he wished she wouldn't make the same mistakes as he did - but even more interesting was the speculation about how Lohan is completely un-insurable and the question of if she will even be alive three years from now based upon her self-destructive behavior. All I can say is - "Grow up girl" it isn't cute anymore. There are people out there who have "real" issues perhaps her time could be better spent helping worthwhile causes - its better then blowing thousands by sniffing it up her nose or killing her liver!

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