Wednesday, November 02, 2005

End of the Day

Seasonal weather! Who knew that in November it could be in the upper 70's? I was walking from class to the library where I'm supposed to be studying, instead I'm blogging...and while the air might smell like fall the warmer temps just feel unseasonal and wrong. Nonetheless, its a beautiful night, the wind was rustling the leaves on the trees and I realized once again that in just 5 weeks I will be done with school. No more rushing to classes, no more cramming for exams, or late night paper writing. The mere thought of all the free time I'm going to have is almost enough to make me sign on for another semester...but not quite.

I heard that Ryan was approved for vacation so that means that both he and Sarah will be making the long trek to MO for my graduation which is wonderful! We will be enjoying wine, food (Ichibaun anyone!), and a variety of other things I'm certain. Graduations are so emotional. I've attended a few and still there is something about the music, the processional of students receiving the diplomas and the exaultation of publicly recognizing a goal that has been met and passed. Sappy I know, but every graduation I attend just makes me want to go back to school again. Its one of those things that if I could be a professional student and make a decent living at it I would. So many interesting topics and classes, wonderful discussions and professors and even the teeny-bopper freshmen are interesting when viewed through a microscope like the strange and unusual beings they oftentimes are.

But the reality is that the 15th of the month I fly out to St. Louis for my audition trip....exciting, scary and nervewracking are just a few words to describe all the emotions that run through me when I think of that interview trip. I know it is just a formality but the possiblity still remains that if they don't like me (but what's not to like) they have the option of recinding the offer. Well, lets face it, November 15-21 will be a week of full make-up (itchy), heels and suits. Professional 24/7 for that week. Then after the position is offered the real, hopefully more relaxed Janette can appear. Post-audition Trip, post-research paper which is due on the 22nd, post Cold War paper which is due on the 21st and post French Cinema project,in French nontheless; my life will take a much more sane point of view. But if I had it to do all over again would I change anything? Probably not. Challenges are made to be surmounted and I have learned so much about how far I can extend myself, the strengths and weaknesses of my character (of which there are a few), and most of all about what is important to me.

So I guess its off to write a couple of papers for tomorrow.....wish me luck and as Sarah already knows--this weekend in-between audit trips will be a mad typing fest for the research paper. So I'm calling on all my friends once again to lend their editing powresses because as many of you already know. I love to write, but I hate to edit. Thanks in advance for all your support, encouragement and nudges to get this done before Wednesday the 9th. The deadline is just around the corner but just after the deadlines is the party!!!!

Sorry gang, the spell-checker isn't working so you have to suffer through my typos!


Sarah Loyd said...

Good luck on your auditing trip... I know you'll blow 'em away!! :)

Jeff said...

I know they will be impressed with your auditing audition :), and will offer you the position. I am always happy to lend a hand at editing or just to listen when you want to take a break.