Monday, October 09, 2006


So....this is the big week....there has been so much leading up to this and I must admit to my fair share of butterflies about what this week could hold. I can't say to much about it as things are still hush hush about it. But for those of you who know where I am this week just let me say that it is amazing, beautiful, plush and oh so nice. Things are going well. I'm understanding and absorbing as much information as I possibly can. Also I just feel that if it is meant to happen then it will. During dinner I posed the question of "exactly what are you looking for in this _____". The response was "you". That was so encouraging. But then I need to remember that just because the response was favorable on my part is not a guarantee of anything and there are still many days to go through and a couple of very significant meetings next week that could change everything. Also the fact that I put this individual on the spot didn't help matters but I was in a very "lets just put our cards on the table" frame of mind. So no matter if what I was told wasn't necessarily the truth, for now I can rest easier concerning my options.

So in a very cryptic way let me just say that things are going great....I love my accommodations, and the food!! And I'm excited about what the future might hold.

BTW a certain someone who will remain nameless also had an exciting day and while it put questions in his mind I believe that it also will prompt the careful scrutiny of what he really wants out of his future. So to you who will remain nameless.....I'm happy you went through with it today and I hope that your path will become clear as you continue thinking about what you and those close to you need/want and feel called to do in your lives.

I hope that everyone had a great weekend and that the upcoming week holds wonderful adventures for you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm praying that your "audition" goes well and you get the chance to become used to the luxury hotels on your job.
And that things work out for those nameless people they way they want them to. :)
God Bless!