Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Much better

Just wanted to drop everyone a quick line and let you all know that today has been better. Its 5pm in LA and we are now wrapping up. While I still feel like a bumbling idiot and am not certain how in the world I'm going to do all this stuff by myself I can honestly say I feel better about a part or two of the audit process. So out of 20 pieces of the audit I now have control of two of them. Sigh. But I'm going to spend the rest of the eve studying, studying some more and then going for dinner and working out and I think that over the next few days things will begin to come together more and more as I continue to progress with this process.

Today is beautiful or it would be if it wasn't for the smog hanging over the city. So later on I'll open my balcony doors and relax with a glass or two of wine and just kick back. Smog is strange stuff. I've never seen it hang over the city like this. It resembles fog creeping down the hillside into the streets and wending its way around the businesses and storefronts here at the Beverly Center. Strange stuff indeed. Quite appropriate for the spooky holiday that is coming up in just a few days :)

More to follow later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey girlie... I'm glad you're feeling better! We've been thinking about you a lot lately and just think... there are some people who have to LIVE in that smog! (No wonder celebrities are so crazy... not enough oxygen!)

Aaaannnnyway... enjoy the view and then get the hell back to Texas, where the air is clean(er) and we like our tacos!

Love you!