Monday, November 06, 2006

Hark, hark do I hear the clock correctly--Its 5pm!!

So I just couldn't resist the catchy title. It seemed so appropriate for a Monday. The weather today was actually rather warm for Montreal. It was in the 50's and wonderful. Not that I was able to go out and enjoy it but I have a great view from the guest room where we have "set up shop" for the next few days.

So this new hotel has a whole new restaurant of delicious food to try out. That is both one of the best things and the worst things about this position. If you want to try cutting edge cuisine served with elegance and style than the Renoir restaurant at the Sofitel and L'O at the Novotel are the hot spots to stop. It has been such an adventure. And we were talking today with a member of this hotel about the wind chills that are experienced in January and February and let me tell you that no matter how much I love winter, the changing seasons and all the good things that winter can bring the mere mention of -40 wind chills gives me a chill from head to toe.

Today has been such a relaxed and casual Monday. I don't know if this is an accurate depiction of how this audit is going to go--but it was a good Monday.

BTW there are two movies that I really want to see. The first opens this Friday. It's the new one with Russell Crowe "A Good Year"---perfect chick flick and the second should be opening or might already be open and that would be the Dixie Chick movie "Shut up and Sing". The question of if I will have time to catch a show is up in the air as I will be flying out for Washington DC on Sunday but you never know!

Ooops I've gotta go....more to follow later.

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