Monday, November 27, 2006

Post holiday recap.

Whew...who knew that Thanksgiving could come and go so quickly?

Wednesday kicked off the holiday with a bang and after a rather tedious drive I arrived in San Marcos where I dropped by to say hello to Ryan as he was covering the holiday madness at the Outlet stores. Ryan and I then made our way into SA braving the crazy driving patterns of people who were anxious to arrive at their destinations and who in the true tradition of holiday traffic forgot about the rules of the road. Wednesday eve....Ryan, Sarah and I relaxed at the Saucer and strategized our plans for Thanksgiving day. After a little libation we returned home to drop Ryan off as he had to work the next day and Sarah and I headed off to HEB for some yummy salad fixings. There is no better time to go to the grocery store than 1am.

Thanksgiving day was spent with Ryans family who presented a fantastic meal of turkey, dressing, gravy, potatoes, cranberries and of course a vast array of delectable desserts. After indulging ourself into a comotose state Ryan returned to work and Sarah and I relaxed in true Thanksgiving tradition by taking a nap. After a late dinner back at Ryan's grandmothers house Ryan, Sarah and I went for some additional holiday cheer at the Saucer...I love that place.

Black Friday did not see either Sarah or I venturing into the stores....not for love or money! Rather we turned into creative culinary masters in the kitchen and utlizing some fabulous Norweigan recipes that have been passed from generation to generation created some delectible goodies such as Rossetts and chocolate macaroons. The baking fun was interspersed with frequent tastings for the sake of quality control--of course. Saturday eve saw us visiting another of my favorite haunts--Goro's Sushi followed by some additional relaxation at a classy little hotel lounge with a good bottle of wine and some very good jazz. We then met up with another friend at the Saucer and after a few laughs determined that we did need to return home as Ryan was unfortuately scheduled for a very early work day....not that 1:30am is early but nontheless.

On Saturday Sarah and I finished our baking spree with some truely tasty butter sugar cookies....makes me wish I had some here with me now...darn the mid-morning munchies....this is what happens when you skip breakfast. Anyhow after Ryan finished work we leisurly made our way to Ryan's mothers house for dinner with the family. Since that was my last eve in SA we had to continue our Saucer tradition and of course we did just that. While at the Saucer I snagged a cute little t-shirt for myself as since I haven't been biking this year my t-shirt stash is running low. Thus we relaxed and just had a few laughs and some conversation while the crowds ebbed and flowed around us; including a fairly large wedding party.

Sunday morning saw us heading off to church followed by Chachos for some excellent tacos then mid-afternoon I braved the traffic to head back into Dallas. Unfortunately the trip back to Dallas wasn't a speedy trip...I finally pulled into my parking space at 10:30 due to a bad accident on I-35 and just crashed for the night.

So that brings us up to the present moment....I'm working away planning next years audit trips and it looks like I'll be bringing a winter jacket for some snowy weather in January and than completely turning things around and will be packing a bikini for February.

So once again a wonderful Thanksgiving was spent with friends and family and now the Christmas music has free reign on the radio and I'm planning out Christmas shopping lists. Life is fun!

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