Thursday, February 09, 2006

Almost the end

Last evening I had the fantastic opportunity to cook dinner for Sarah and Ryan who drove up from San Antonio. The observation was made over dinner that even though I'm on the road, we are actually seeing more of each other than when we were in Joplin. Who knew that taking a job where I travel 99% of the time, I would actually be freeing myself up to spend more time with my friends? Its a wonderful feeling, and just amazing to know that Sarah and Ryan are just a hop and a skip away. Sarah brought a fantastic cheesecake for dessert and I made Beef Stroganoff for dinner with Fresh fruit for a side dish. As Sarah said, nothing beats good comfort food.

B. left this morning for North Carolina. Its great to know that he is excited about the new training program, his new house and his future. I still have no idea how I fit into any of it, if I even really do but we will wait and see what develops. We talk all the time, but there still is nothing concrete about what we are. Who knows, I think the whole Valentine's Day thing is beginning to bug me. I was fine with everything until Stephen started talking about what he was getting his "sig other" for V-Day. And I realized that B. and I have not even acknowledged the holiday much less talked about it. As ya'll know I'm not going to mention it so its up to him to say something. I would be happy with just a sappy phone call, lord knows that I won't be in a position for anything traditional like candy and flowers much less dinner. We will see what comes to light. But even though this V-Day is going to be very odd, I still love this holiday. There is something about being able to get all sappy and romantic without fear or hesitation...its the one day of the year that everyone wears goofy smiles for no reason and couples are openly affectionate. There is just something about couples, people in love, people falling in love and classic romantics that just make me happy even though I might or might not be in a relationship. Love makes the world go round and the sun to rise each day.

Tomorrow is the last day of training with Stephen. We leave after the franchise audit for Dallas where we will do the breakout of the sessions and officially say goodbye to each other. Its so strange to realize that I have been traveling with him since the beginning of January and here it is almost the middle of February. Time flies. I still love the position, and each day poses new challenges and opportunities. I can't wait to break out on my own and actually take control of my schedule but on the other hand its odd to know that there will no longer be anyone there to chit-chat with in the mornings or the evenings, I still have to send him all my reports for approval but the where to go for dinner questions are now mine to decide. This will be where the truth becomes known. Can I handle life on the road alone? Only time will tell.

Until later!

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